JDot Unplugged

Thursday, May 1, 2008


I happened to stumble across this very interesting site titled: I Heart Bubbles. Apparently they create sarcastic and funny comments on old ads and funny pictures.

As their mission statement reads: The I Heart Bubbles team is a tight group of humor loving individuals who enjoy making each other laugh. We scour the internet for any and every possible image to paint our Bubbles palette. The content of our Bubbles may include politics, music, movies, personal experiences, inside jokes, and vague obscure references. We hope you enjoy viewing I Heart Bubbles half as much as we enjoy making it.

Share the wealth is what I always say. Case in point.


Frybyrd said...


How are you getting some of these to work as they should be?

JDot said...

The one I wanted to use didn't work, so I searched through the ones on IHeart that DO work and picked one of those.

We should work on some new ones this weekend.